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Repairing cracks, potholes, and other deteriorations in your asphalt pavement will extend its life and help maximize your investment. Small problems can become big ones, and once your pavement reaches a certain state of disrepair, the only viable option is replacement. At PAV-KOTE, we'll help you extend the life of your pavement and prevent more expensive repair and replacement procedures in the long term. We're committed to saving our clients time and money whenever possible, and we have the experience and expertise necessary to identify the most cost-effective solution for any type of pavement damage.

PAV-KOTE offers a full range of asphalt repair services in Orange County & Southern California, including crack sealing, patch repair, trench patching, and resurfacing or overlay. We use high quality plastic fillers, emulsified liquids, solid cold-patches, Petromat overlays, and more to perform expert repairs with reliable and attractive results. For more information about our Orange County asphalt repair services or to schedule a free estimate, call PAV-KOTE today.

Keep in mind: If you notice tire impressions left by cars parked overnight, or any heaving, tilting, or cracking of the asphalt in cold weather, then a new pavement may be required. These are indications of more serious conditions, such as poor construction or improper drainage.

Need more information? Call us on (714) 871-4905 to speak with one of our experts.

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